So now the car is reassembled, I've spent the last few weeks doing various integration tasks and troubleshooting. Firstly the oil pressure warning and oil temperature errors needed to be snuffed out. The oil pressure input to the instrument cluster, needs to be grounded above 1000rpm to prevent an error, but if it's grounded before then, it'll throw an error.
Another was the traction control light, with took some tracing, but it turned out the ABS/traction control control unit was looking for a specific message on the CAN Bus.
A lot of tidying the wiring and tweaking code, all takes time. I also put in the water cooling loop for the charger and inverter.
And we had the first awesome drive of the project, I lost the audio in the edit but I'm sure I'll record more footage at some point but was too excited to get the video up.
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