I've now mostly got the second pack installed. It's running and the extra range has been great. Still have some tidying up to do, a bit of paint and put some rivnuts in to hold the lid over the top. Sadly I couldn't get them perfectly inline in the old spare wheel well, just wouldn't fit. Also the location isn't ideal, but needs must. What's the range? I don't know to be honest. I get between 1 and 1.5 miles per amp hour, and I've got the BMS set to 46 amphour capacity. With me having full control, I can if I know I'm going to really need the range, charge right up to 4.2v per cell (96 cells) and discharge right down to 3v really push the pack, but generally I tend to charge to 4.1 and discharge to 3.4v to take it easy on them. Think I can fit a 3rd pack somewhere? There's now another bit of sheet metal welded to this to cover the bottom, and it's painted in primer, so getting there. What you can see is the VW contactor box, with fuse, so ...
My blog covering a budget conversion of a VW Beetle to electric power, using parts from salvage.