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Showing posts from April, 2022

Ground Clearance

 Due to a measuring error the first iteration of the battery mounting resulted in a mere 8cm ground clearance. As you can see here, there's quite a bit hanging low. While I did 2000 miles like this, I did on occasions have a box to road conflict. So with the weather getting warmer and the Easter break, I decided it was time to tackle this job, I had been putting it off, but an hour and a half and the bumper was off and the battery out. I then jacked the battery box up as high as I could get it and test fit the slam panel and crash bar, looks like a decent gain in ground clearance. Happy with this I marked the height and started making new mounting brackets.      I covered the seams with a load of seam sealer for good measure and painted the box with underseal paint that I had laying around and then started to mount the box it the new location. The battery box in it's new location, self supported by it's new mounts, tucked nicely behind the crash bar. The result has b...