I'm currently working on adding rapid charging, in the form of Chademo. I've designed a hat to sit on top of an Arduino Due, containing 2 CAN bus transceivers, a 12v input and 2 open collectors. This lives inside a 3D printed box. This is the brain of the Chademo system. Also located the inlet in the lower part of the front grille. A second set of contactors for the socket are required, so that it's only live when the charging station says so. Full of hope and fear I headed for my local Chademo charger, tucked down the side of a hotel. With my laptop out I gave it a test. Charger says no, so off home I went, found an issue with the 2 start signal wires crossed over, and returned the next day. Still denied, but gets further, my controller now recognises the session start sequence, I need to get the CAN bus logger out and debug that part. Stay tuned, maybe next time will be a winner.
My blog covering a budget conversion of a VW Beetle to electric power, using parts from salvage.