Finally getting close now, the battery pack is in, still needs another bracket making up for extra support, but that can be done with the bumper on. Speaking of which, the bumper is now back on and in place. As. you can see, the battery box sticks down further than I would have liked, I might raise it up more at some point if it's an issue, but for now I'm going to roll with it and get on with the other jobs. There's still all the low voltage wiring to tidy up, along with the high voltage wiring to finish and secure in place. The large fuse, pre charge circuit and main contactors will live inside the box that's mounted just above the battery box. Currently the ignition needs to be on for the charger to get power, to solve this I've come up with a little circuit that uses the Control Pilot signal in the charing connector to power up the 12V circuits. Still left to do before I can attempt to get an MOT: Clean up low voltage wiring. High Voltage wiring. Rear battery m...
My blog covering a budget conversion of a VW Beetle to electric power, using parts from salvage.